Monday, April 14, 2008

Supernatural Childbirth

I've been reading quite a bit about pregnancy and childbirth since I found out I'm pregnant. A particular book that encouraged me greatly is "Supernatural Childbirth" by Jackie Mize. Some will know that I get really squeamish when I hear about the process of childbirth, especially when it gets to the part about "cutting" and "tearing". Hence I am extremely excited to know that I can have a SUPERNATURAL childbirth free of pain because "by His stripes we are healed"! This piece of good news is really comforting to me because I was determined to use epidural during labour (my threshold for pain is close to zero) but yet was worried about the possible side effects on baby and myself. At least now I know that pain is not a prerequisite for childbirth! It also helps that i have a very loving and supportive husband that prays with and for me. You're the best, my growing Daddy! (I suspect daddy is growing at a faster rate than baby! Hehe...)

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